Sunday, June 3, 2012

Symphonies of God

I might have talked about this before but it was brought to my attention again so I'm going to talk about it. We praise or worship God in many different ways. Whether it's through music, dance, art, just about anything and everything. It's an act of love and appreciation. On the flip side God shows us love through the exact same way but with different tools. Think about it. When you walk through a field of wildflowers. God picked those out especially for you. You look to the sky and he's painted a different masterpiece every minute of the day just for you. He's composed thousands of songs for you. Birds chirping. The waves of the ocean rolling. The wind going through the trees. Cats purring, squirrels chattering, and frogs croaking. It's all one giant symphony playing for you. He's choreographed everything to go with that symphony. Do you think the rose just opens? That a doe and her fawn leap through the forest just because? Does the horse prance about a field without reason? No. God taught them the dance that He created. He taught the rose how to open, the deer to leap, the horse to prance just for us. He shows us that He cares through all of this and much more. He loves giving us the masterpieces, dances, and symphonies. We just have to look for them and remember that God doesn't just create all of this because He can. He does it to show us His love and greatness. So think about how God brushed the sky with a palette, He wrote the music of life, and He taught it the dance.

Friday, June 1, 2012

What Really Gets Us In Life

I've decided that as we get older stress is what really gets us down. It's not jobs, tasks, daily routines or anything like that. It's stress. When we focus too much and too hard on everything around us stress takes over and that's when things start to go downhill. We can be excited about everything we do but when we dwell too much on the work and not on having a good time or enjoying ourselves we don't function as well as we could. Now of course there are going to be stressful times that we can't avoid but we shouldn't keep ourselves in those stress spots for very long. Even if we only get away for a day or maybe just have a good laugh or cry it will help and things will start to brighten. It says in the Bible that we aren't to worry about the future and don't dwell on the past. I think what God is trying to tell everyone is live life one day at a time and live it to the fullest. Work hard but don't stress because tomorrow will take care of itself and the past is the past. Take time to enjoy life and to laugh and have a good time. We can't enjoy today if we're reliving the past or fretting about the future. We can't go into tomorrow and do what needs to be done. We just have to accomplish today's goals. Who knows? Tomorrow may never come and you'll have spent your last day stressing instead of living, loving, and laughing. We've got to stop and smell the roses, relax in a hamock, tell stories, do something to make the day less stressful and more enjoyable. Stress is what makes a person seem older, depressed, and frustrated. Fight it because we have the capability of feeling young, alive, and happy.