I might have talked about this before but it was brought to my attention again so I'm going to talk about it. We praise or worship God in many different ways. Whether it's through music, dance, art, just about anything and everything. It's an act of love and appreciation. On the flip side God shows us love through the exact same way but with different tools. Think about it. When you walk through a field of wildflowers. God picked those out especially for you. You look to the sky and he's painted a different masterpiece every minute of the day just for you. He's composed thousands of songs for you. Birds chirping. The waves of the ocean rolling. The wind going through the trees. Cats purring, squirrels chattering, and frogs croaking. It's all one giant symphony playing for you. He's choreographed everything to go with that symphony. Do you think the rose just opens? That a doe and her fawn leap through the forest just because? Does the horse prance about a field without reason? No. God taught them the dance that He created. He taught the rose how to open, the deer to leap, the horse to prance just for us. He shows us that He cares through all of this and much more. He loves giving us the masterpieces, dances, and symphonies. We just have to look for them and remember that God doesn't just create all of this because He can. He does it to show us His love and greatness. So think about how God brushed the sky with a palette, He wrote the music of life, and He taught it the dance.
I'm not good at expressing myself at this time in my life. I'm going to try and learn how to do that through this blog.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
What Really Gets Us In Life
I've decided that as we get older stress is what really gets us down. It's not jobs, tasks, daily routines or anything like that. It's stress. When we focus too much and too hard on everything around us stress takes over and that's when things start to go downhill. We can be excited about everything we do but when we dwell too much on the work and not on having a good time or enjoying ourselves we don't function as well as we could. Now of course there are going to be stressful times that we can't avoid but we shouldn't keep ourselves in those stress spots for very long. Even if we only get away for a day or maybe just have a good laugh or cry it will help and things will start to brighten. It says in the Bible that we aren't to worry about the future and don't dwell on the past. I think what God is trying to tell everyone is live life one day at a time and live it to the fullest. Work hard but don't stress because tomorrow will take care of itself and the past is the past. Take time to enjoy life and to laugh and have a good time. We can't enjoy today if we're reliving the past or fretting about the future. We can't go into tomorrow and do what needs to be done. We just have to accomplish today's goals. Who knows? Tomorrow may never come and you'll have spent your last day stressing instead of living, loving, and laughing. We've got to stop and smell the roses, relax in a hamock, tell stories, do something to make the day less stressful and more enjoyable. Stress is what makes a person seem older, depressed, and frustrated. Fight it because we have the capability of feeling young, alive, and happy.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
All around the world we have many different languages. English, Spanish, Chinese, etc. All of them are different but they have the same origin. The core languages are Greek and Latin. Even those languages go back to another language. Before the Tower of Babel happened in the Bible everyone spoke the same language. We know this because God said, "Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." So that means there was one language before then, or was there? I personally think that God has a language of His own. We cannot understand it. Well maybe we can scientifically but that only ruins it. I think that C. S. Lewis did an amazing job in The Chronicles of Narnia when he wrote how Narnia came into exsistance which is an analogy of God making our world. When the main characters first see Narnia it was pitch black. Nothing. They couldn't see anything. Then they heard first rather than saw first. A noise was being made in the distance and as it grew louder then they saw a light in the distance. As the light came closer then words became clearer. In the story it nevers says that there were words being sung. It just says that the Voice rose and fell and made different tunes. There may not have been words but it was a language. As you know the singer was Aslan and as he drew closer and the light was all around them he sang another song. In this song trees grew, animals were formed, waters came forth, etc. All of Narnia was created by song and in Aslan's language. Now God spoke our world into being but He spoke in His own language. The earth, space, our DNA, everything around us is God's language. He shows us things through His language. He spoke the rainbow as a promise. He tells us of His wonders when we see the sunrises and sunsets. He tells us who we are when we look at our DNA. He talks to us in that still, small voice that we don't necessarily understand but it comforts us. He tells us of His pain and sorrows through earthquakes, floods, and disasters. Those disasters are also His way of judgement and punishment but He hurts when He has to punish His children so it's fitting that the tears of God flood the land. The earth moans and splits like God's heart and it quakes from His judgement and wrath. It's His language that maybe someday He will teach to His children. Maybe He's been trying to teach it to us now and we just haven't noticed. The language of God is as complex as the most scientific minds but so simple a child can understand it. It's full of passion, beauty, wrath, sorrow, and love. It's the language from the beginning of time.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Love Life with God
Today my dad did a sermon on what our relationship with God should be like. We are love God as a woman/bride/wife is to love her man/groom/husband. We have got to work for the relationship just as you would in a marriage. You have to work with Him, communicate with Him, seek Him, and spend time with Him. A couple has to learn to work together and do things together. We have to work with God and do things with Him. We have to communicate our thoughts to Him so that He can know how we feel. He also communicates His thoughts to us. We also have to seek Him and learn to think like Him. We cannot automatically know what each other is thinking so we have to work at thinking like Him. We can do that by reading His word and spending time with Him. Enoch (one of those cool guys in the Bible) walked with God. He was in God's presence all the time. In everything he did, God was there with him. We should strive and work to have a relationship with God. Jesus worked to talk and be with God. All of the people whom we consider great christians worked to have a relationship with God. We cannot have a relationship with God unless we work for it. It cannot be one-sided either, both people have to work together. A man and woman have to work together to make a life together. It's the same with God. He wants us to be His bride and He is fighting for us. In return if we truly love Him, we will fight and strive to have a relationship with Him.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Use of Everyday Words
I have finally decided that I don't like the chatroom or texting talk. I'm so tired of people being so lazy that they can't type out "How are you"! It's so frustrating because there are so many different acronyms now that I almost have to decode everything. It was cool at first when it was ty for thank you and yw for your welcome especially if you were in the middle of a game or something. I could understand that but OH MY GOODNESS! For the love of the grammer nazis please type out all the rest of your words! You must not realize how stupid you look when you leave out letters or use one letter for a word. People have either gotten lazy or stupid. Quite possibly both. I may not be the best at spelling or at grammer but I at least know the basics. I try to take some pride in knowing the parts of speech (for those of you that don't know what those are: nouns, verbs, etc.), definitions of words, spelling of words, and how to form a sentence. Now for you who are like,"well I'm not stupid or lazy, your just a smartass, overachiever and a know it all. The rest of us are average." No I am not. There are plenty of people that are much smarter than I am. I would be considered the average person which means that YOU, yes you, would be considered less than average. It's nobody's fault but your own. I cannot be responsible for your lack of intelligence or desire for it. If you want to show the world that you're proud of being stupid and use words that prove it that's your business. Mind you, I and many other people will get onto you about how you are incompetent because YOU, yes you again, have the chance to use your brain and you have schools that not everyone has access to in the rest of the world. God gave you a brain, the tools to tone it, and people who are willing to help. Use them! I am through with my rant now. I'm sorry if my thoughts are slightly scattered and all of what I just said isn't organized. I will continue to try to make my thoughts come out in a much more professional manner.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A Royal Priesthood
Before a king, queen, prince, or princess can wear a crown on their head they have to kneel and submit themselves to God and country. Once they have kneeled and submitted they rise to greatness. In God's eyes we are His children and because He is the High King we are destined to princes and princesses under Him. We have to pledge ourselves to Him before He can crown us and make us great. If we can submit then He will place a crown our our head, take our hand, and raise us up to greatness. Sometimes the princes and princesses betray the King and rule in their own way, their lives will end in sorrow, hatred, and anger. But the ones that truly love the king are the ones who are truly great. Their lives ended in love, respect,and a legacy left behind.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Don't Stay Put, Move Forward!!
In the past couple of weeks I have been learning that in life I should keep moving and not stay still. One of my biggest problems right now is that I'm scared to move, but regardless of that I need to go somewhere. I am planning on starting college in the fall. I don't know if that's where I am suppose to be but I am confident that God will show me the way. If it's not the right way I can always move to a different direction. It's hard to actually start moving but I can't stay still for very long. Being still is worse than being scared for me right now. This is a short blog since it's my first and hopefully they'll get longer as I entertain the world with my random thought process.
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